Earth Week 2022 and more

Latest Activities
CCAA meetings
tbd: contact us
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Corvallis Climate Action
Send us your ideas and activities to list.
Climate Action Month September 2023
Eco-Film Festival [tentative]
in planning with
First United Methodist Church Environmental Care Team
Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee
First Congregational United Church of Christ Integrity of Creation
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Climate Action Team
Corvallis Divest from War
Shift Together - Energy efficiency for everyone
sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition
Continuing ​
Shrink your carbon footprint and benefit the local community
Determine the carbon emissions you generate.
Then offset them with a donation to the
Corvallis Carbon Offset Fund which supports 4 local charitable organizations
in their carbon emissions reduction activities of energy efficiency,
carbon sequestration / habitat restoration, and clean renewable power.
Sponsored by the Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee.
​Art activism
​Artwork and kits for Defund Climate Chaos
Artwork and kits for racial justice, zero fossil fuels, green new deal, and more
Healthy Planet = Healthy People coloring logos on Resources page
​​Chalking for Change (tba)
Our climate-related theme is Healthy Planet = Healthy People but you may include other associated issues, for example environmental and social justice, or biological diversity.
Create your own sidewalk chalk art design or borrow one our stencils and washable chalk to get you started.
View gallery and how-to video below.

Chalking for Change - Sidewalk Chalk Art
Select a choice section of sidewalk or driveway and show off your artistic skills with chalk or washable chalk paint. Email a photo of your creation and tell us where it was placed, and we'll feature it on Instagram. To the right is a gallery of some of the works people created.
Our climate-related theme is Healthy Planet = Healthy People but you may include other associated issues, for example environmental and social justice, biological diversity, or voting rights. Bring your own designs and chalk, or borrow ours by contacting the CCAA Art Studio.​​​​​​

Chalking for Change - Art Demonstration
In this video, Climate Artivist Patti Warner demonstrates how easy it is to make Healthy Planet = Healthy People -themed sidewalk chalk art that can be appreciated by all who walk by.
Past Presentations

Earth Month 2023 Webinar Series, 1 hr recorded videos
1. Personal and Group Climate Action - Michael Hughes and Kristi Ervin
2. Community Solar - Oregon Clean Power Cooperative, Dan Orzech
3. Seeds for the Sol - Julie Williams
4. Corvallis Carbon Offset Fund - Brian Lee
5. I.R.A. Opportunities, Shift Together - Julie Williams and
What a faith group can accomplish - Michael Hughes
Sponsored by these local faith groups:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Climate Action Team
Interfaith Climate Justice Committee
First Congregational United Church of Christ Integrity of Creation
First United Methodist Church Environmental Care Team
Earth Week 2022
17Apr Sunday
​Every Day is Earth Day
Rev. Jill McAllister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis
​19Apr Tuesday
​OSU Beyond Earth Day 11:30 am - 3:00 pm
Visit the 350 Corvallis table to answer simple questions
about the climate and enter to win a gift certificate for a local pizzeria.
The first 50 participants will receive a free envelope of seeds from
350 Corvallis and CCAA sufficient for a small pot of zinnias.
20Apr Wednesday
Climate Emergency Sign Line 4:00-6:00 pm
Van Buren Ave & 4th to 2nd Streets downtown.
Bring your own signs or reserve one of ours designed by local, national,
and international artivists. Signs and artwork relevant to climate crisis solutions
as well as for the environment, peace, and social justice are welcome.
Healthy, safe, comfortable, and efficient homes 7:00 pm
Dennis Sweeny, of UUFC and the Community Services Consortium,
will describe and answer questions about the Consortium and steps
to create these homes. Zoom.
​​​22Apr Friday Earth Day
​​​Stop Banking on Climate Chaos
Divest from major financers of fossil fuel foollishness.
See the popup protest art in front of Chase Bank downtown.
See Resources for what you can do next.
Sponsored by 350 Corvallis.
24Apr Sunday
​​​The Fierce Urgency of Now 9:30 am
Rev. Karen Bloom, guest preacher
First United Methodist Church 1165 NW Monroe, Corvallis
and Facebook Live or recorded.
27Apr Wednesday
​​​Divest from Fossil Fuels 7:00 pm
Jack Elder, of UUFC, will describe and answer questions about divestment.
Climate Action Week Sept.2021
Monday 20Sept Theme: Faith and Action
One Word Salwamem - Water is Sacred
What is one word from your sacred language that changed your life
and you can offer to heal our relationship with the Earth?
Award winning, finalist in the Tribeca Film Institute and selected for 40 festivals around the world,
20 minute video available every day. Free signup for 5-day home viewing through Rosa Guayaba LLC as a gift through the Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee.
Supplemental curriculum about the Run for Salmon geared to a 4th+ grade level.
4:00-5:00 PM Sunrise Corvallis Rally for the Climate
Benton County Courthouse
A call for members of Congress to make addressing ecological catastrophe a priority!
FMI: .
Co-sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America, Oregon Chapter.
The rally will precede and lead into the 6:00 pm CCAA sign line.
6:00-7:30 PM DEQ Public Comment Writing Workshop
Hold polluters accountable with the Climate Protection Program, follow the science,
and invest in frontline communities.
Sponsored by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Tuesday 21Sept International Peace Day Theme: Peace and Action
6:30-7:30 PM The relationship of the climate crisis and militarism
More people are realizing every day that we cannot adequately address climate change
without drastically downsizing the military and changing its mission.
Dr. Rick Staggenborg, 20 min. live presentation plus Q&A.
Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Linus Pauling Chapter
Wednesday 22Sept Theme: Electrification
5:30-7:00 pm Transportation Electrification
Oregon Regulatory Pathways to Decarbonize Energy Part 1
Christy Anderson Brekken, President of the Oregon Citizens’ Utility Board
and Instructor in Dept. of Applied Economics at Oregon State University.
Sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition
Wave Energy: Role in Decarbonizing our Energy System and Why Oregon?
Dr. Bryson Robertson, Director and Associate Professor, Pacific Marine Energy Center,
Oregon State University, Recorded video 1 hr.
​Thursday 23Sept Theme: Policy
6:30-7:30 am Financial capital for the transition
Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and
UK Climate Finance Advisor for COP26 with
Mark Gallogly, Centerbridge Partners and Three Cairns Group
will discuss the financial capital needed and available for investment today,
and the structures and markets to unlock financial flows to the projects and countries
where it is needed most.
​Friday 24Sept Theme: Women's Rights
5 pm Demonstration for Women's Rights (see Daily Sign Line below)
Sponsored by 500 Women Scientists Corvallis.
Saturday 25Sept Theme: Science
Local Eco Surveys
Obtain survey forms at the 500 Women Scientists table during the
Saturday Corvallis Farmers Market or here.
​How big is your carbon footprint?
Various calculators for the amount of carbon emissions you are generating.
Sponsored by the Corvallis Carbon Offset Fund
of the Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee.
Derechos - Nature's Wall of Wind
Dr. Walker Ashley, atmospheric scientist and physical geographer,
Northern Illinois University
Advance to 1:05:00 for discussion on derecho climatology. Recorded video 1,5 hr.
​​Sunday 26Sept Theme: Art and Music Activism
Artwork and kits for Defund Line 3
Artwork and kits for racial justice, just recovery, green new deal, and more
The Climate Museum Taking Action NYC exhibition
Sing for the Climate and singalong
Time is Now climate change song
Save the Planet song for kids
Rainbow Connection with Kermit the Frog
Masque of Gaia video - a very silly play about the very serious problem of climate change by the Majestic Theater
Earth Week 2021
Planet Palooza videoclips . Event was sponsored by Corvallis Parks & Rec, Ashbrook Independent School, Corvallis Environmental Center, 500 Women Scientists, CCAA, 509J Corvallis Public Schools.
Corvallis Divest from War
Brief description of the group and climate-related activity. recorded audio
Climate Week Sept. 2020​​
21st Monday, World Peace Day
7:00-9:00 pm "Black Leadership Confronts Military Nuclear Supremacy" -Linda Richards, Oregon State University School of History, Philosophy and Religion & Ann Mbacke, Progress Village Foundation. Audio recordings of Black American leaders who confronted “militaristic” nuclear technological supremacy, followed by a discussion about leadership today. recorded
22nd Tuesday, Transportation
9:00 am - 7:00 pm Car Free Day - Corvallis Sustainability Coalition. Bike, walk, skate, bus to up to 9 flagged sites Details
​​23rd Wednesday, Waste Prevention
6:00-6:30 pm Oregon State University / PNW Consortium on Plastic Pollution: "Green Girl (Laurie Richer)" interview by John Dickens, podcast Plasticast Ep.7; and
"Making Science Accessible"- Ashley Renda. Importance of science communication for making informed decisions, video; "Q&A"- Susanne Brander, Stacey Harper, et al., live. recorded channel
​24th Thursday, Environment and Sustainable Solutions
"Home Energy Retrofits"- Nancy Evenson, Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, Sustainable Housing project, video. Important steps homeowners can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using energy efficiency measures and newer technology appliances. recorded
"My Net-zero Energy Home"- Mike Beilstein, video. Personal experiences in steps taken to achieve a net-zero energy residence. recorded
"The Times, They Are a-Changin': Tipping Points and Why They Are Important"- James Watson, Ed Brook, David Wrathall, Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, video. Historical climate tipping points, contemporary social tipping points in communities impacted by climate change, tipping point characteristics in ecosystems recorded
25th Friday, Climate Change
"Energy Innovation Action"- Citizens Climate Lobby, video. Amusing introduction to a carbon fee and dividend for progressives and conservatives recorded
"The Far Middle and 2020 Household Impact Study"- Rick Knight, Citizens Climate Lobby, video. A carbon fee and dividend is a highly progressive policy with greater benefit to lower-income households than wealthier ones recorded
"Our natural world is stressed, and so are we!"- Julie Williams, Seeds for the Sol, video. The climate threat intersection with COVID-19, megafires, hurricanes, storms, and flooding and actions you can take to help heal the earth recorded
26th Saturday, Community, Environmental Justice
"Corvallis Carbon Offset Fund"- Brian Lee, Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee, video and website tour. Offset your carbon footprint to help the global climate and benefit the local community recorded
6:30-7:30 pm "Universal Health Care, Social Justice, Survival"- Karen Christianson & Michael Huntington, Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates, video. The need for sustainable universal healthcare and actions we can take to get there. recorded
​"Youth v Gov Landmark Climate Lawsuit"- Miko Vergun, co-plaintiff, Our Children's Trust, video. The significance of the Juliana v US lawsuit for young people and future generations in forwarding the dogma of the Constitutional environmental trust recorded
"Veganism: A Global Social Justice Movement"- Malaya Lualhati, video. The role of animal agriculture in the climate crisis, species extinction crisis, and pandemics, and the need to rethink our relationship with non-human animals recorded
27th Sunday, Democracy, Voting
"Corvallis Green New Deal"- Nathan & Cami Villanova, Natalie A Walter, Carly Werdel. Sunrise Movement Corvallis, video. Panel discussion about a just transition from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy sources and green jobs recorded
"Climate bipartisanship vs. fossil fuel interests"- US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), keynote at 2019 American Climate Leadership Summit, video. Holding corporations and organizations accountable in the face of Citizens United to break the political climate impasse recorded
"Climate Insights 2020: Climate Change and the American Voter"- Christina Chan (World Resources Institute), Katherine Hayhoe (Texas Tech University), Jon Krosnick (Stanford University), Richard G Newell (Resources for the Future), Justin Worland (Time Magazine), video. Climate Week NYC 2020 recorded panel discussion starts at 30:00